Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Lessons are something we learn everyday. rather it be in love, life, school, games, whatever.. how well do we learn them? do we learn them well enough not to repeat them?

What is Love? What lessons are we to learn about Love? is Love for everyone? Who can love? Who can not Love?

What is Life? What lessons are we to learn about life? Why are we on this earth? What is Life and Earth itself surpose to teach us? Can lessons on life be easy to learn? Why is there no manual on life? How many times do we repeat life? When can we move on from one life to the next? How do we know if we are even living life?

What is School? Where did the name come from? What was meant to learn in School? Was School surpose to teach us about Love? was it surpose to teach us about Life? Who came up with the name? Why did they think we needed it?

Humm all very good questions to ponder over.. do we think about these things or do we take them for granted? I know I have been known to take them for granted.. I use to think the world owed me for all the bad things that happened in life.. But years later and with opening my heart I have learned that all this can mean nothing or all this can mean everything.. it is really how a person looks at it all and what do they want to learn in the lessons they are given daily.. I will say for example, Love, I learned in my years that love can be very enjoyable, like your on the top of the world. like there are only those involved and the world revolves around them. I have learned that when you love you open your heart, your mind and your soul to everything and everyone no matter what has been done or said.. But then I learned that Love can be painful in ways that feels like you are the only one who has been hurt. like having your heart ripped from your chest while you were not looking.. Like evryone is out to get you because you are not loved.. oh how love can tear a persons soul apart rather it be for love or because of love...
I learned that life is everything you make it.. I learned that we are the ones who make this world turn and that if we are to have life we must give up on the things that could distroy life.. I learned that making this world a better place for my children and grandchildren is what life should consist of.. but not all of... Life has to be lived with Love.. Unconditional Love.. For when you love you live life.. when you don't love then life is not to be lived... Now I also learned that this can be for a partner in life or for your own children or for a complete stranger.. But love has to exsist for life to continue....

In School I learned that life is a wonderful thing, full of learning and joys beyound what the brain can imagine.. School is there to show us that we can learn to do what has to be done to keep life running and the world turning..

We have people from all walks of life.. no matter their race, their status, their religion, their perfession, no matter what or who they are. they are human and they make this world turn. they all have hearts and they all have souls. rather they are good or evil they are who they are. each and everyone of us are who we are.. and in the end don't we all strive to be the best we can be? Sometimes People forget that other People are the same as them because they see the color of their skin, or the fact they worship a Goddess, or they don't Worship at all. or they think that one person is better then another because of what they do for a living.. yet in the end are we not all the same? do we not all have lessons to learn on this path we call life?
So I can say with all of that.. Open your hearts, your minds, your souls, and let the people you share your life with know that they are special and that they are loved. and see what can happen to the world and if it can become a beter place.....

OK as you can all see, sometimes I go off on a rant. lol.. don;t worry it all don;t make sence to me most of the time.. LOL.... I had a pretty good day in all.. so here is to hoping my night is just as good... and don't worry, I promise not to post like this to often. LOL

Now for them lessons I need to learn... Just can't seem to get this adding links and pictures thing right.. hummm... OK back to reading and learning....