Saturday, February 05, 2005

I hate Winter!!

Well here I sit inside my house on beautiful sunny day. Yep, the Sun is out and it looks warm, yeah right. warm, yep.. 27 out with the High only 38 for today. But tomorrow will be 45, wow a heat wav, time for a tan.. I hate winter.. yeah I know I should love the fact I get all 4 seasons here. But winter is always so long and so cold that I get cabin fever fast. I love the outdoors. But how does a person enjoy the winters when they can't really do anything they use to?? I know I am not a young chicken anymore, However I would like to get out once in a while.. But I have good news to this... Spring is on the way.. soon all this white stuff I use to think was pretty will be gone. The grass will be green as ever, the flowers will start to bloom and the earth will smell wonderful.. I will beable to go outdoors barefoot (I hate shoes).. I will be able to enjoy the Sun while I am out seeing and doing the things I enjoy. OH NO, that means I will have to get back to the exercising again. riding my bike and walking.. OK so a few things are good, LOL.. as ya'll can tell, I really have nothing to blog right now. LOL, so I ramble ramble ramble.. But hey your all reading it anyways so it must not be to bad.. Anyways here comes a pic of one of our State parks here in Western New York... Hope you enjoy. it was taken in May of 2004...