Sunday, February 06, 2005

Spouses / Mates / Long Term

Well, After Reading my Sis's Blog, I have to say she can really get a person to thinking.. So here is my look at somewhat the same subject.. Lets see. Magz came up with a cool quote in the 2nd paragraph.. "When you very first meet someone you're attracted to, take a HARD look at them in the first 20 minutes or so... because you'll never see them so honestly again" ....... I have to say that this can and can not be true.. Think about it.. When you first meet some one, they just like you might just be putting on a show and trying to be someone your not so you look good in their eyes.. or then again maybe it's true. Maybe you do see them in all their honesty right in the first 20 minutes or so.. I have to say that I been partnered with some real losers in my life because I didn't take that first long hard look.. But then there was a few I did and they were nothing like what I first saw.. So good maybe, maybe not.. I can say from my years that I still take a hard look at the person for who they are inside. the outside is not what gets my attention it is always the persons heart that gets me going.. Well that and a nice butt, LOL.. Just Joking folks..

But I tend to go for what is inside the heart. and the eyes have this way of showing you what you really want to see.. take a look and see for yourself. the eyes can not lie. So to be attracted to someone you both must feel the fireworks yet also both of you can see in the others eyes what their truths are.. truths, well that can be anything we want them to be right? wrong. the truths are just that, they are the truths. at least thats how I see them.. most will find me wrong and some will find me right.. but what is right or wrong? Well anyways back to what I was saying...

Spouses/ Mates. Long Term Realtionships or what ever you want to call it at the time.. What attracted you to that person in the first place? What made you stay for as long as you did? are you still in love? What did the mate look like? Did it have anything to do with why you got togeather? So many questions. But then why do we worry so much about what others think? Are we that shallow that we would wonder what anothers thoughts are about our other half? Isn't what matters is how we feel about our other half? I mean they are our other halfs right? they are who makes us US, Right?

I don't think so myself.. I am who makes me who I am... I once wrote something in my Status Box on Yahoo Messenger to get peoples responces to that subject.. OK maybe for another post down the road, LOL.. So back to what I was saying... If I am what makes me who I am, Then wouldn't that mean my spouse or other half is who he is.. I for one do not need a man to make me feel complete. I make me feel complete.. I need my other half for love and surport and a partnership and a friend. Yet as time goes on, things can change. OK, let me put it this way.. I was married at a very young age. The guy was my childhood sweetheart. Dated on and off for years.. then got married at the age of 16. we were not togeather a year, OK 1 week shy of a year.. then I walked out the door.. The man was not the same man I had dated. He became someone else. He became controling, He became a cheater, He became a drug addict, He became a Jerk, He became everything he was not during the years we were togeather.. Now if I had not dated him for so long before we got married I might have known all these things and not said I do. But no. in this situation I knew the guy for many years. But in the end he was not who I had taken a long hard look at.. He was someone else. Someone I did not like and hated for many years. He broke my heart. Yet today we are friends. Friends because we both learned that we can look at a person all we want. But that don't mean we will get what we see..

OK , so maybe there is truth in never seeing the honesty after the first 20 minutes.. sounds like a lot of contradiction going on here huh? I agree. But hell I been there to many times... I can sit here and say YES look long and hard for the first 20 minutes.. But come on.. are we really gonna look no we are not. not in that sence anyways... Humans go for the fireworks. they want it. they need it. they can't live without it.. Well News Flash. Humans do it all the time. some get the fireworks and some don't. But life keeps moving with or without us. Do we give up? Nope we don't..

I have also been reading about putting people on a scale on go after what you don't think is in your league, because you can't get them or do and it might or might not work out... Well my take on that would be.. Don't put others on a scale.. Don;t put yourself on a scale. If you see someone you want to meet, walk up and intro yourself... Who knows, that may just be there person you will spend the rest of your life with. Who cares what others think.. Just do it.. Are we going to live life according to a scale? I for one don't. Hell I would rather go after what I want and be happy then not and maybe regret it later... Not for me.. I want to be happy, there for I am going after what I want rather it be another person or anything else in this life. Simply put, I want to be happy and not living a life of sadness because I worried about what the other person would think of me if I was bold enough to go up and say Hi..That other person will either like me or not.. and we move on.. But either way I will be happy I did it.. OK am I making any sence here at all???? I didn't think so.. But I tried, and after I think about all this some more, I will be back to post about it again.. in the mean time.. Thats all folks.....