Thursday, March 31, 2005

Doctors and Pain

I want to know what is wrong with People these days. More to the point, what the hell is wrong with people who think that money comes out of their own pockets? It's not like I have not worked all my life and paid my dues, trust me I have. Well let me explain. A few years ago I got hurt at work, June 17, 2003, I tore my shoulder up pretty bad. on Nov 13, 2003 they did surgery. From that point on I have had tons of therapy and lots of shots in it to try to lessen the pain and all to no avail. Well I get sent to another doctor. I like this one. he gets right to the point and holds no punches yet likes to talk and become part of your life during your treatment with him. thats cool. Now he wants to do a 2nd surgery on my shoulder. with the facts well in hand that I will lose more mobility in my left arm. Hey less movemement, no more pain. I can live with this. But Workmans Comp wants to give me a run around. they feel it don't need to be done. OK, Now this means living on Pain pills.. Yep Loritabs, Now I hate the way these things make me feel. I feel like I am speeding my butt off and as for the pain, it is still there, But hey my head is so messed up that the pain don't matter as long as I don;t move the arm .. So two days ago the doctor puts me on Loritab 10's to take every 4 to 6 hours. Now I am looking at the fact of becoming addicted to them. I stressed this concern to the dr (oops its a pain managment dr, different from above) He says to me, "Oh don't worry, you will be able to get off them with very little to no side effects" YEAH RIGHT... What is wrong with just fixing the problem and getting it over with? Is that such a hard concept to understand? I just don't understand these people.. I worked hard all my life. I put my time in, and to be honest, I really want to get back to work. Yep I have been out of work this whole time. Now I have looked for jobs, But how many people do you know that will hire someone who has to keep taking days off for octor appointments, or who wil be going out for a month or so for surgery? Well not any in the area I live in. they hear this and SORRY, we can't hire you, come on back when your totaly cleared to work. So today I am headed to see a woman in a program called VESID, Now this program will pay to send you back to school or retrain you in something that you can do with all your limitations.. Lets hope for the best for me. I have got to do something. This program is also run by Workmans Comp. go figure, these people want you to go back to work ASAP, yet they don't want to pay to have you repaired However they will pay even more money to send you to school.. Now don;t that make sence to you? I know it don't me.. However I could see this if after the surgery was done and you were cleared to work and your old job said sorry we replaced you.. I don't know, I am confused and rambling today. So I am off to go see what this woman has to offer and will let ya'll know. Ya know, Arizona is looking better all the time. OK so I want to live where it is warm and sunny most of the time. LOL... we still have snow here. its melting, but it is still here... OK I am out, Have a good day