Friday, May 13, 2005

Here & There

Hey I am back. But only for a short post.
I have been real busy, As most know I went through my mourning stage. Well I guess thats a stage I will always be in. But I am doing OK.. I have kept myself Busy. I am one of the founders of The Mystic Festival held in Warsaw NY and it has turned out to be a lot of hard work. But I have to say it is all work I do so enjoy. I know it will all be worth it when I hear that a child got a wish come true because of all the wonderful people in WNY. Lets See, ya wanna hear about my week? are ya sure? LOL. ok you asked for it.. LOL
Monday - I spent my day cleaning the house and sitting at my computer. But I did manage to get a nap in.. what a nice day that was.

Tuesday - I went to the Eye Drs. OK I was not thrilled about this at all, I walked out of there feeling either really old or just Blind. you see I kinda skipped a stage.. yep, I skipped right over Bifocals and went right to Trifocals.. WOW.. that was something to hear let me tell ya. But if ya thought that was bad. My bill was even worse then the fact I felt old or blind or both.. here I am trying to get out of debt and I think I just gave up my right arm so I could see again.. But then I also had to get two pair of glasses instead of one.. I figured if I was going to spend the money; I would look good. LOL, So I got a 2nd pair for Sun glasses. they cost me $123.00 just to look cool or is that just to keep the sun out of these old eyes.. hummm. have to ponder that one... But then the rest was spent on the trifocals.. yep, $240.00 so that I can sit at my computer all day and be able to read a book with out getting a headache. so in all about $415.00 total it cost me before 10 am.... Damn I need a better paying job...

Wed - I had to go to Warsaw and take Pics of hanging Witches for the Web site. this is for the People I work for advertising... Fun I tell ya.. NOT!!! Now I have to get busy again.Check them out and buy something, they need the money to pay me. LOL the Place is called The New Farm it is a co- op of Antique & Craft Vendors.. lots of cool stuff there to... But also where the Mystic Festival is being held... I was also going to fix a computer for a girl over there. But she was not there. I hate when people make appointments with me and then don't bother to call me and say they won't be home.. it just waste my time and proceeds to piss me off...Also on this day I wrote 178 emails to potential Vendors...OK this day over..

Thurs - Home all day, I went out long enough to pick up my glasses and came right back home.. the day was off for some reason. almost like there was something wrong with the world.. Which I think there was.. But who am I? I even stayed off the computer for the day.. YES ME. lol.. well till now anyways...

Fri - I have a drs appointment in the morning.. But then nothing, I am coming back home to maybe clean my house.. yes I have done some cleaning this week. But now it needs a good scrubbing... and the wonderful job of laundry... so fun wow.. then the weekend..I hope it is better then my week. LOL

SO there you have it. my boreing week.. But hey I have come out of hiding for a little while.. I may not be here to post to often for the rest of the month.. I will update when I can as the Mystic Festival is taking up a lot of my time.. But I promise to read and comment on all your blogs,

OK I am off for the night... Night All

Quorry & Amanda; I want to wish you a wonderful 5 year Anniversary... I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend... I love you both Very Much..