Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year everyone,
Today is also my blogversary, hum did I spell that right? lol
Anyhows, everything here is going wonderful, I had a awesome holiday season with my children and grandchildren and am happy to say that althrough I am still in lots of pain from my last surgery, I am doing much better these days. Working with weights now in therapy and can raise my arm about 1/4 of the way up which is more then the drs thought would happen.. so things are looking better... I also want to thank my dear blog buddy Lois Lane for the wonderful gift she gave me , LOL...
OK thats about it for this day.. will try for more later in the week.
Hope you all had a Wonderful Holiday Season and looking forward to catching up with everyone soon..
Huggz to all