Miss Me?
LOL, I bet ya do. miss my bitchin huh? well guess what?
Even through life has been a little rough on me since Dec.
I am not gonna bitch about it all this time.. Nope Life is good..
I am up and going on Ebay and getting ready in the next couple of weeks to Open an Ebay Store where I can put larger items..
Very soon I am going to be adding lots of Antiques to my Auctions..
So things are looking up for me..
Yep still fighting with Workmans Comp... June 19th I go and testify. Fun wow..
right shoulder hurts just as bad if not worse then the left now. But as always I will survive this one as well.. ya know sometimes it sucks to just be brave, LOL
As for the Young Lady I was taking care of, well she is now in a group home about 60 miles away and she loves it there.. She has school year round. However they are going to let her get a job either working at the nursing home next door or at the local SPCA... I get to call her every night and I get to see her once a week if I want.. they said I could every day.. But man thats a drive to go everyday. so she will be lucky to see me once a week. LOL... However she can not come for a home visit for 6 months.. the judge was really mad at her... Well I also told you about her mother putting the pills in her purse.. The Judge thought she was lieing and made her take a lie detector test.. she passed ... But the judge still felt this young lady would do better in a group home. I think he was right. this is the only was she will learn.. Also the case with the pills itself in the other court was kinda dismissed.. he let it go cause the young lady was placed.. so she is lucky he did that for her... But it all works out in the end. She has to make her own mistakes and learn from them and maybe, just maybe she will grow up to be a wonderful person... which she is now. but you all know what I mean. LOL
OK, Now life is busy for me. But getting better. not much more to say on that.. I am dealing with everything one day at a time and learning to say no to people. this is a good thing. means I am taking more time for me. OK so I get more time to work. but thats OK at least I will make a little money. LOL...
I see I am loseing staus on a few blogs that have deleted me from their blogrolls.. hum, looks like I better get back here a little more often before you all think I left for good... sorry you can't get rid of me that easy. LOL..
OK off to read the blogs and leave a few comments... maybe I can get my status back. LOL
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I am going to the Stix & Foiegner (bad spelling) concert.. will let ya all know about that on Monday Night.. LOL
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