Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The day has arrived

and as of tomorrow morning I will be under the knife yet again. as you all know who reads this messy blog, LOL. this is my 2nd surgery and I am a little nervous. I know everything will be OK. But I just got a real bad feeling for some reason.. But I am sure I will be fine.. But I wanted to get one last post in here and say I hope you all have a wonderful July and I will be trying to read and make comments on all your blogs.. so if I misspell words a lot more then I already do, just chalk it up to the one finger typing and it taking forever to get it down. LOL... So, as was already said, those of you whom have my number please call.. those that don't, please email me. I will be answering all emails.. (reserved for blogging buddys only) so now I am out of here for tonight. need my beauty sleep ya know. LOL...
Have a fun and Safe July and I hope everyones 4th was as great as mine.
Huggz to all